

brainwave collection


Brainmapping uses a “swim” cap with sensors inside that listen to brainwaves. These brainwaves can be analyzed to better understand how the brain is functioning. By creating a brain “map” we can see which areas are producing too much or not enough of a specific brainwave. We measure Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta waves in general but also look at subbands that give us even more information about a person’s cognitive and emotional networks. These networks control our individual interpretation of the world around us and can over process, or under process information. This brainmapping allows us a peek into these brain networks.

brainmaps can be done in office or in home


brainwave biofeedback


Neurofeedback uses tiny sensors that are placed on the scalp with a conductive paste. Once connected you’ll watch a video on any streaming platform of your choosing. The software that is connected to the computer darkens the screen when the brain is unfocused, under stress, or distracted. Once the brain comes back into focus (even if for a moment), the screen will brighten. This brightening is a “reward” for producing the right brainwave. Once the brain catches on and recognizes this brightening as a reward it will attempt to reproduce this pattern again and again.

Once the brain learns this “balance” it doesn’t forget it and we see long-lasting changes and in some cases permanent results.

interactive and easy to learn


nutritional supplements

Proper brain balance is extremely complex. Newrologix provides a comprehensive look at the brain using state-of-the-art lab testing. In order to provide our clients with the best of the best, we partnered with WholeScripts to provide an easy-to-use online store where you and your provider can customize a one-of-a-kind supplement profile based on test results. We’ve developed a simple and easy process to get customized nutrition from already-established testing methods. This takes much of the guesswork out of what supplements might be right for you.

Click the “Webstore Link” button to be redirected to our Dispensary.

Orthomolecular therapy


laboratory testing

We use a more natural approach in balancing these chemicals and it starts with a test and then our custom software to design a “one-off” program for each individual.

Our labs are done in the privacy of your own home and do not require blood draws. Once the specimen is analyzed, a detailed report provides us with the fundamental ingredients needed to balance inside the cells whereas medications take but don’t make them. This approach is less invasive and carries significantly less risk of causing adverse effects on your health.

lab testing

lab kits are shipped to your home or office